Looking for some great tips going into your next golf game? Check out a list of suggestions from your pals here at Caddy Kit below!
Your breathing is key to relaxation. Let’s say you find yourself making missteps out of frustration. Take some deep, intentional breaths. Try inhaling for 4 counts, and exhaling for 8. Small techniques like this have proven to be a huge help in those moments of frustration.
When taking these breaths, be sure to inhale and exhale using your diaphragm. This will make the effort much more effective. It’ll help you to shake off any negative thoughts or stress. Be careful not to inhale and exhale deeply too quickly. This can cause you to feel light headed.
One of the most toxic things about doubt is how contagious it is. Once it infects a scenario it’s sometimes almost impossible to reverse it. This explains why a few bad holes can turn into a bad game. This can even affect the rest of your day’s trajectory.
Practice managing your thoughts so that the negative ones take a backseat. This can take a great deal of focus, but it’s worth it once you’re able to clear up some much needed mental space. This can improve your golf game tenfold. Try setting time aside each day to purge those thoughts!
Still feeling tense on the course? Something to also keep in mind is the reason for the game in the first place. Yes, it takes skill and practice to get better at it. But it was also made for its participants to enjoy it!
That said, anytime that irritable feeling creeps up, remember, it’s just a game. This of course may not apply to a professional setting. But for the casual golfer, keep this in mind! It’s easy to get wrapped up in competition or personal expectation. Neither is a bad thing. But, you also can’t forget to have fun!
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